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We are so grateful for all donations that we are receive.  We feel so honored that our supporters trust us with the donations they give whether donations of time, supplies, or money.

Where do your financial donations go?

We have anywhere from 20 - 40 rabbits in our care at any given time depending on the spaces available in the foster homes.   The cost to care for that many rabbits - even though fosters cover much of the costs for housing and feeding - really adds up. 

Spay and Neuter surgeries are a huge and important part of the work that we do with the rabbits in our care and adoption fees do not even come close to covering that cost.  Without your donations we would not be able to do what we do.

Other Vet Care such as RHD vaccines, initial visits and follow up care, x-rays, amputations, medications are important to the work we do as well.
Vet care is our single biggest cost of this rescue.

Email Transfer

Please use if you would like to e-transfer funds to help with the work we do with abused, abandoned, and unwanted rabbits.

**Please put "donation" in the message field of the transfer**


Make a payment on our Fall River Animal Hospital account

You can call Fall River Animal Hospital at 902-861-4003 and tell them that you want to make a payment on the 10,000 Carrots Rabbit Rescue account


Make a payment on our Cobequid Animal Hospital account.

You can call Cobequid Animal Hospital at 902-865-8110 and tell them that you want to make a payment on the 10,000 Carrots Rabbit Rescue account

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